Ainsley, Caitlin. 2021. “Federal Reserve Appointments and the Politics of Senate Confirmation.” Public Choice (Accepted). (pdf)
Ainsley, Caitlin. 2021. “Decentralized Central Banks: Political Ideology and the Federal Reserve System of Regional Banks.” Governance 34: 277-294. (link)
Ainsley, Caitlin, Cliff Carrubba, and Georg Vanberg. 2021. “The future matters: Judicial Preferences over legal rules and decision-making on collegial courts.” Journal of Law & Courts 9: 1-25. (link)
Ainsley, Caitlin, Cliff Carrubba, Brian Crisp, Betul Demirkaya, Matthew Gabel, and Dino Hazdic. 2020. “Roll Call Vote Selection: Implications for the Study of Legislative Politics.” American Political Science Review 114: 691-706. (link)
Ainsley, Caitlin. 2017. “The Politics of Central Bank Appointments.” Journal of Politics 79: 1205-1219. (link)
Gabel, Matthew, Clifford Carrubba, Caitlin Ainsley, and Donald Beaudette. 2012. “Of Courts and Commerce.” Journal of Politics 74: 1125-1137. (link)